A serious breach of Union solidarity is currently underway at the United Brotherhood of Carpenters, being spearheaded by UBC President, Douglas McCarron. This move is nearly unprecedented, and has taken place without the knowledge vote, or input of the carpenters of the UBC or other building trades. Act now to head off this misguided and destructive action! On March 29th, 2001, carpenters president Doug McCarron withdrew the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners from the AFL-CIO. McCarron's motivation for such a reckless act, (although he claims differently) is so that the UBC, under his control, could start raiding the work of other trades with no overseeing body to oppose such a violation. In near total secrecy, he has done his utmost to drive a wedge between the UBC and their fellow tradesmen represented by the AFL-CIO. Citing differences in organizational ideas between himself and the AFL-CIO, McCarron has now severed the carpenters only bond with other building trades, withdrawing the UBC from the AFL-CIO. The UBC is now looking down an isolated and self destructive path that, if McCarron has his way, will turn it the UBC into a Labor Ready type of organization and could ultimately lead to a civil war between trades. This would be a great benefit for contractors, dividing and conquering the building trades, at the cost of all the working tradesmen. FOR CARPENTERS: The consequences are severe. We are no longer connected in any meaningful way to the other building trades we share the job site with. This means that our work will no longer be protected from infringement from other trades. Their work will also be subject to raiding, or undercutting from our union, which will place us in direct competition with the very people we depend on every day for safety and solidarity. If our contract negotiations ever come to a strike situation, will the trades we have lost unity with support our strikes after McCarron starts this job-site raiding? Probably not. FOR OTHER TRADES: This action will lead to pay decrease and/or job loss. With the UBC outside of the jurisdiction of the AFL-CIO, their will be no mediating body to protect the UBC from undercutting your wages to provide greedy contractors with cheaper labor to replace your workers. -THIS ACTION BY MCCARRON CONTRADICTS EVERYTHING UNION SOLIDARITY STANDS FOR!!!- Even in a time of boom for construction, this attack on our unions makes no sense, and undermines the very things that keep us strong. It is being done without the consent of the people that comprise the UBC, and will only mean isolation for them, and a potential civil war for us all. -We do not have to be idle and let our Unions and workplaces be turned into places of competition in a race to the bottom!- ATTEND THE MASS MEETING OF RANK AND FILE TRADESMEN! ALL TRADES INVITED!!! THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT U.E. HALL, 33 S. ASHLAND, ON SATURDAY, MAY 19TH, AT 10AM At the meeting we will be discussing what this means to our jobs and our solidarity, and coming together on what direction we want our unions to take! *No Raiding* *Workplace Solidarity* *Fighting Unions Over Divided Ones!* For more information, contact UNITY WINS! at
voice mail (312)777-4001, Extension #6713, |