Douglas "CEO" McCarron
C - Contributor (To politicians and judges-with
members' money).
E - Executioner (of the rank and file)
O - Obstructer (liar)
Changing Of The Guard
Could it be true that James k. Bernsen, the secretary treasurer of the southern California district council of carpenters, is retiring come the new year? Could it also be true that Douglas McCarron is ready to appoint his brother, Michael McCarron, to secretary-treasurer (just like he appointed him to be the president of the district council when he became general president)?!
The Mergers Continue
There is speculation that carpenters local 309 (el Monte, California) will be merged (by none other than the dictator Douglas McCarron) with local 409 (Los Angeles)! How much more control does McCarron want over the members?! Where will this power hunger end?!
I Do Hereby Pledge????
"No member may hold more than one
office or be a candidate for more than one office in a regular election, in the same
subordinate body, unless dispensation to combine two or more offices is or has been
granted by the General President."
Why didn't Douglas McCarron resign from his position as secretary-treasurer of the southern California district council of carpenters when he ran for general president? Did then-president Siguard Lucassen grant McCarron that special privilege? Why weren't the members informed of the granting of that special privilege?!
Why did the carpenters union end the scholarship drive for members' kids? Doesn't the carpenters support education, like the politicians whom they contribute millions of dollars annually to like to claim? My son won a scholarship from the carpenters union two years ago, and it was very disappointing to see the carpenters let down our kids' college hopes! Thank you Mr. Mccarron. Please find other ways to break down our jobs, pension, and even our kids' futures!!
Carpenters local 1506's membership is composed of a large number of Hispanics, so why
don't they have any Hispanic business agents?
The only Hispanic organizer 1506 had, transferred to
another union. I wonder why?!
There are only two Hispanics on the executive board
of the district council, and these two were union leaders before McCarron was. One of them
is one of McCarrons "yes men", whose son was given a position as president of
his local union. His son was never involved in union work or used the tools of the trade,
nor has he been seen in any of the union movements.
No wonder the membership has dropped from 45,000 to
11,000 since McCarron came to power of the office of secretary treasurer of the southern
California district council. These are the consequences of appointments of positions,
rather than democratic elections.
How many African
Americans are there on the executive board? Zero!!!! Why is this, Mr. Mccarron????
why has another Hispanic business agent transferred to three different local unions?! Why
haven't they given him the opportunity to move up in the rankings?!
In my case, I applied to be an organizer because I had a good reputation as a shop
steward, never missed a union meeting or a precinct walk, etc....I was dedicated and
believed in the union. Mccarron sent me a letter saying i should be inducted in the mvp of
the union, yet this position was given to an ex-partner and longtime friend of his. This
buddy of his had a bad union history-he worked cash and worked non union, he never
attended any meetings or precinct walks, and he and his wife had an obvious drinking
Douglas "CEO" McCarron is an opportunist with no capacity of doing anything on
his own. He is insecure and requires constant recognition and power in order to feed his
immense ego. He is all that represents poor leadership within a labor organization.
"CEO" McCarron uses the members' money to influence political figures for his
own personal needs and once again, to feed his enormous ego. He is one that cannot
accomplish anything on his own, without the backing of the Union's money, and the
authority of being General President of the Carpenters Union. Here is a perfect example of
his inability to accomplish anything on his own:
Years ago, back when Paul Miller was on the Executive Board of the Carpenters Union in Southern California, the Board loaned approximately $100 million of Pension Fund money to several large construction contractors for building projects; an illegal act. It was a nobody CAT Guy who filed a suit against the Board and forced the members to resign: Douglas J. McCarron. McCarron took the credit for the discovery of the infractions of the Board and, a couple of years later, appearing as the savior of the Carpenters Union, was elected to Secretary-Treasurer of the Los Angeles District Council of Carpenters. Was it really McCarron that was responsible for the discovery of such information, or was he just a YES man that was used as a pawn to execute the orders of the top Union officials? How much of the $100 million was recovered?
"CEO" McCarron buys off politicians, like Senator Dianne Feinstein (wife of Pension Advisor Richard Blum) with the members' money. He has sold off the Union to tyrants such as Los Angeles subway builder Ronald Tutor, and multi-millionaire Pension Advisor Richard Blum. He has made a mockery of democracy by taking over Local 42-L and the New York District Council. Might I add that he used 50 armed guards to overrun the New York Council in the middle of the night! Did "CEO" McCarron buy off the judge in the case of the 42-L vs. "CEO" McCarron? The 42-L had a sure shot of winning the case, and somehow, the judge sided with "CEO" McCarron. Could this have been another one of "CEO" McCarron's payoffs? On an occasion in which "CEO" McCarron was determining as to who he would appoint as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Los Angeles District Council, a member of the Executive Board spoke up and suggested that the Board members elect who would hold the position. McCarron silenced that member, using expletives, and proceeded with the appointment of James Bernsen to the position.
"CEO" McCarron's prestige and power was obtained through pure opportunism and absolutely no effort. From his high school days, according to old classmates of his, to the present day, "CEO" McCarron has always been and will continue to be a backstabbing opportunist who takes credit for other people's hard work!!
Douglas J. McCarron is the General President of the Carpenters Union. McCarron claims that he wants to clean up the Union of organized crime in New York. What about the abuses that he has committed in Southern California against rank and file members, the Carpenters Pension, and several local unions. This has all cost the Carpenters millions of dollars? This is like the fox watching the henhouse! He also states that a job in the Union is not meant to be a job for life. Why has McCarron has been a high ranking leader in the Union since 1975 if he believes in this philosophy? How long did he work using Carpenters tools. He fails to mention that he worked cash most of the time. He is the most anti-Union individual around. He also allows the Pension Advisors to invest money in non-Union companies, such as Wal-Mart. McCarron is a traitor to the Union!
Doug McCarron stated in an interview by Business week Magazine that the Union is not a lifetime position. Then, what is he doing in a leadership position for more than 15 years? Who are the ones that vote for him besides all his YES MEN?
Membership has dropped in Southern California from 45,000 members to 11,000 members from 1986 to the present day!
McCarron hired illegal alien mercenaries from Mexico to destroy non-Union job sites. These
mercenaries were paid with Union money, they were given work preference over members when
it came to jobs. To top it all off, a lawsuit was filed by one of the non-Union
contractors, and $4 million was paid by the Union in a confidential enforcement agreement.
"IMMIGRATION STATUS OF DRYWALL WORKERS PROBED: Border patrol expands its inquiry after finding hundreds employed illegally." -Los Angeles Times, March, 16, 1994
This was all brought about by McCarron!
McCarron spends our money paying lawsuits for committing illegal acts. How many long-term
members were active in these strikes? ZERO!
This is the series of correspondence between the Union's counsel, John T. DeCarlo, and myself. I was inquiring about a $6.5 million loan taken out by the Union, which I suspect was used to pay off the lawsuit that was initiated by the non-Union contractors. I have proof that the San Diego Training Center was constructed in 1986, and that the Sylmar Training Center was constructed in 1991. Do we pay these attorneys' salaries so that they can lie to us?
This is the lawsuit filed against the Carpenters for using illegal alien mercenaries to destroy job sites. The defendants listed are the mercenaries that were hired to create all of this chaos, which was eventually paid for by the members. McCarron was behind the entire operation!
These are the lies that the Union prints so that the members won't know about the millions
of dollars that were spent to settle the lawsuit! The Federal judge did not dismiss the
RICO charges against the Union, only against the non-Union mercenaries. These articles are
meant to mislead the members. Why do the Union attorneys want us to believe this? Why are
we paying them over half million dollars a year?!
Immediately after becoming General President of the Carpenters Union, McCarron appointed
his little brother, Michael William McCarron, to the position of President of the Southern
California District Council of Carpenters. Coincidentally, Michael moved from $172,000
home to a $450,000 home. The Executive Board had no choice but to elect Michael McCarron
to the position of President of the District Council. Otherwise, they could lose their
high paying salaries and their fringe benefits. Don't forget that Douglas McCarron merged
all the Local Unions and he has everything under his control. He also has the power to
change the constitution in his favor, which he did in 1992, after being elected General
President. The last thing McCarron believes in is Democracy. He believes in dictatorship!
McCarron's good friend, Pascal McGuiness, was caught for involvement in Organized Crime in
1994. The Carpenters Union was fined $450,000 by the Department of Labor-RICO
(Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations Act) and expelled from the Union. He was appointed
by McCarron as the Secretary Treasurer of the Building Trades.
Is this how McCarron combats Organized Crime, by giving tributes to corrupt Union leaders,
and collecting thousands of dollars with them? How much of this money went to pay off the
$450,000 fine that Pascal McGuiness's Local Union was fined after he was caught for
involvement in Organized Crime?!
Is this how McCarron is ridding the New York Locals of Organized Crime, by paying a tribute to a former Local Union President that was fired for being involved in Organized Crime? He cost his Local a $450,000 fine. McCarron later appointed him to be the Secretary-Treasurer of the Building Trades.
McCarron was sued by his secretary, Barbara Botos, for sexually harassing her. The Union had to pay her $90,000 for McCarron's abusive behavior.
McCarron runs the Carpenters Pension through his crony, Ronald Schoen, who ignores the
Pension rights of the worker, and because of his abuse of power, the Carpenters had to pay
off a $200,000 lawsuit for harassing and discriminating a worker of the Pension
Administration. Schoen is the Executive Administrator of the Pension and Health Welfare.
Schoen loathes the Union and anything that has to do with the Union, despite being a
member of the Carpenters Local 409. I tried to file a grievance against Schoen a few years
back for harassing me on the job, and my Local's (1506) President, Robert Milewsky wrote
me a letter stating that he could not file a grievance upon orders from Douglas McCarron.
Once again, I was left here asking: Where is the Democracy?!
There are little or no opportunities given to workers so that they may become Labor
Leaders within the Union. Those positions are given to superintendents of large
construction companies and to non-Union contractors! The best examples are Charles
Bloodworth, business agent of the 42L and former non-Union contractor, and Larry O'Brien,
of the Carpenters/Contractors Cooperation Committee, who was the superintendent of a large
construction company and seems to be absent of all Union activities that we the members
always take part in. David Young, Carpenters/Contractors Cooperation Committee was a New
York Garment Union business agent. How can a garment Union Business Agent represent the
needs of Carpenters? He and the other two individuals were brought aboard by McCarron.
This is the type of leadership that is promoted by McCarron!
Why did Douglas McCarron fire 42-L Financial
Secretary Larry Reyes if he was voted by the members of that Union? Why doesn't McCarron
respect democracy and the constitution of the Union?
McCarron never attended apprenticeship school, as all journeymen should. As General
President of the Carpenters Union, McCarron merged all of the local Unions so that he
could retain total control of the Unions under one power.
Who pays for the weekly trips that McCarron
makes from Washington DC to Agoura Hills, California? Is it the Carpenters that flip the
bill for him?!!
The Workers don't need unscrupulous tyrants
like McCarron to represent them!!